8 Ways to Find the Right WordPress Developer for Your News Portal Project

Building an online news portal requires the expertise of a highly skilled WordPress developer. But how do you know if a particular developer is a right fit for your project? In this blog post, we’ll discuss 8 ways to find and hire WordPress developers for your online news portal.

Insight into the Scenario of Online News Portals

(Source: https://www.digitalnewsreport.org/publications/2016/future-online-news-video/)

To measure the prominence of online news videos in 26 countries historically, we look at survey data gathered for the Digital News Report 2016. Across all countries, around a quarter (24%) of people claimed to view online news videos in a given week. If we look at the numbers by country, we find that the results vary from 33% in the USA and 32% in Canada to 15% in Denmark and 16% in Japan. Hence, online news consumption is steadily increasing, and so is the competition in the news portal business.

Popularity of WordPress

As per the report shared by a leading survey website w3techs, WordPress’s market share is about 41.3%, to be very precise, of all the websites on the internet. This survey is solely based on combining all the available CMS, and other web builds.

(Source: https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-wordpress)

If we talk about the WordPress market share among the known or competitive CMSs, it leads with a whopping 64% market share.

8 Hiring Tips For Finding WordPress Experts For News Portal Projects

1. Look for Developers with Experience in News Portals: The most important characteristic of any successful WordPress developer is their experience in creating stunning websites. If a potential candidate has built similar projects before, they’ll be more likely to understand what’s needed to complete yours successfully.

2.Use Online portals: A great first step when looking for a WordPress developer is using online portals such as freelancing sites, recruitment websites, etc. These platforms make it easy to browse through potential candidates and narrow down your search based on experience and budget requirements.

3. Ask for Recommendations from Friends & Colleagues: Asking for recommendations is one of the most effective tools in any hiring process, so don’t be afraid to ask friends or colleagues if they know someone who can help out with your project. Not only will this save you time, but you may even get access to exclusive deals or discounts that you wouldn’t find elsewhere!

4. Check References & Past Projects: Once you have some potential candidates in mind, make sure to check their references and past projects before committing to anything. Seeing real-world examples of their work will give you an idea of what kind of quality they produce, which can help you make more informed decisions about who to hire.

5. Take Advantage of Professional Networking Events: Professional networking events are great places to meet like-minded people who have similar interests and skill sets as yours – including talented WordPress developers! These events provide an excellent opportunity not only to learn more about each other but also to form lasting relationships that could benefit both parties in the long run!

6. Utilize Social Media Platforms: Social media platforms are proving increasingly effective at connecting employers with potential employees – and that includes finding WordPress developers! LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook all provide great opportunities for finding qualified candidates who might not otherwise be found through traditional methods like job postings or referrals from friends and colleagues.

7. Utilize Freelance Marketplaces: There are many freelance marketplaces like halogig.com available online that allows businesses to quickly find talented freelancers at reasonable rates. Companies can quickly connect with experienced professionals without having to go through lengthy recruitment processes or negotiate wages directly with individual contractors. On freelancing marketplaces, it is effortless to hire WordPress developers.

8. Rely on Recruiting Consultants: If all else fails, there's no shame in relying on recruiting consultants. Many companies prefer working with consultants because they have access to larger networks of talent than most businesses would ever have the time or resources to explore themselves. This makes them invaluable when it comes time to fill important roles within a company.


It is a daunting task to hire WordPress developers for your online news portal project, but it doesn't have to be! With these 8 tips in mind, you should be able to find the perfect person for your project quickly and easily! Remember that while qualifications are important, it's also essential that you're comfortable working with the person you choose, so make sure they're someone who understands your vision and aligns well with your values too!

You can hire WordPress developers on the emerging freelancing portal halogig.com. The AI engine of halogig will connect you to developers with industry-relevant skills specific to your industry (like News Media, Hospitality, etc.).

Source url : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/singhrahulV/8-ways-find-right-wordpress-developer-your-news-portal-project